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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Buhari should demonstrate commitment in ending attacks in North Central – Gyang

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 Honorable (Dr.) Istifanus Dauda Gyang, represents Barkin Ladi and Riyom Federal Constituency of Plateau State at the House of Representatives. In this interview with Augustine Osayande, he speaks on the incessant attacks in his constituency, the security challenge in the area and possible solutions.

Que: Your people have suffered series of attacks for many years. As a lawmaker, what efforts are you making to resolve the problem?

 My constituents who elected me, including Berom, Atten, Attakar, Hausa, Fulani, Ngas, Taroh, Mwaghavul, Ron, Idoma and Yoruba did so on the basis of a clear legislative agenda that gave primacy to the restoration of peace and security to the people. You can therefore only imagine the pain in my heart when the attacks and killings are persisting. Options available to us in resolving this problem are twofold; the first is the deployment of conventional security of the military and police to vulnerable communities to protect law abiding citizens and end the attacks.  It was with this in mind that I raised a motion on the floor of the House and placed a demand on government under President Mohammadu Buhari being the one that has the constitutional responsibility to protect every citizen to issue a clear directive to the Military High Command to act decisively to end the attacks. Once this is done, it will create an enabling environment for the peace option to materialize. We have an elaborate Peace Architecture at the level of advocacy and practice by which we shall partner with state and non-state actors in constructive community dialogue towards the attainment of lasting peace through mediation, reconciliation and healing of fractured relationships.

 Que: There is a general view that the crisis in the North Central Geo-political Zone, especially Plateau which has been lingering for many years is not being given the desired attention like that of the North East. What is your take on this?

 It is unfortunate that we are comparing two negative circumstances of devastating terror attacks on the two Geo-political regions of our nation. I wish it were not so. I wish we were comparing developmental strides and other great attainments and not tragedy, bloodshed and terror attacks! The view expressed in your question is however cogent and therefore disturbing given the fact that the victims in both regions suffer the same plight in terms of loss of lives and property, displacement from their ancestral homes and farmlands, destitution and trauma. It is only expected that when you have this unfortunate scenario, that equity be seen to be at play in terms of attention and actionable intervention in arresting the insurgency/attacks and in addressing the plight of the victims. It is in this regard that I am calling on government to respond to the attacks on ethnic minorities in the North Central Geo-Political Zone with the same urgency with which the North East Region is receiving.

 Que: There are discordant voices in condemning and finding solutions to the recurrent crisis in your area. What is responsible for such acts?

 This discordant voice can be categorized into three; those who have an objective understanding of the underlying factors and are genuinely desirous of finding a lasting solution; those who are ignorant and express their ignorance on the issue and those whose perspectives are informed by prejudice, sentiment, partisanship and hate. In morality and in law, wrong is wrong and right is right irrespective of who does it or who it affects. That is why neither God nor law has respect of persons. I am therefore calling on all men of goodwill that are advocates of peace to join me in my commitment of rebranding Barkin Ladi-Riyom Federal Constituency of Plateau State from an axis of violence and bloodshed to one of peace and prosperity. May we rise beyond ethnic and religious sentiment and become advocates of national integration, peace and harmonious coexistence.

Que: What steps do you want the Federal Government to take in addressing the situation?

I am urging President Mohammadu Buhari to consider, among others, the following options: The President should demonstrate the will and commitment in ending the ugly attacks in the North Central Geo-Political Zone and issue clear and unambiguous directives to the Military High Command to end the attacks and enforce law and order.  The syndicate on cattle rustling  in the North Central Geo-Political Zone which consist of criminals across ethnic and religious groups should be traced and tracked down to bring an end to this syndicated acts of criminality. The President should put in place an all-inclusive peace Architecture that will engage the affected people, their elected representatives, community leaders, youth groups, etc in constructive dialogue towards the ultimate attainment of lasting peace. Urgently consider putting in place a Peace and Reconstruction   Fund for Post Conflict resettlement, rehabilitation and reconstruction of devastated communities in the North Central Geo-Political Region with emphasis on my constituency which is the most affected. Ensure that forcefully and illegally occupied farmlands and property be restored to their rightful owners. Inherited nomadic culture of cattle rearing be substituted with the introduction of modern husbandry and ranching as a lasting panacea for farmer/grazer conflicts arising from contest for farming and grazing land.  Prompt prosecution of all persons arrested for carrying out attacks as well as those apprehended for cattle rustling.

 Que: Some quarters are viewing the incessant crisis as a problem of the Berom people rather than a security challenge of the State. Could this be responsible for the unending circle of the violence?

 Assertions of this nature fit into stereotypes predicated on perspective of prejudice, sentiment and hate. How can a people who have suffered massive loss of lives and property, loss of ancestral habitat, economic assets, farmlands/crops, which constitute their heritage and legacy be said to be perpetuating the crisis and attacks? Definitely No! These views are intended to alienate and isolate the Berom from the wider Plateau community which suits the age long strategy of divide and rule.

 Que: Given the alarming numbers of IDPs as a result of these attacks, how best can their plights be addressed?

 In addition to interventions by agencies like NEMA which provide relief materials, the plight of IDPs as victims of attacks can best be addressed through a comprehensive and well packaged programme that will rehabilitate, resettle and reconstruct destroyed homes and public facilities such as schools and clinics. The Peace and Reconstruction Fund that I suggested earlier is for purposes as this nature and it should be urgently considered by President Mohammadu Buhari. Other forms of empowerment through credit schemes and scholarship to students will go a long way in ameliorating their plight and giving the IDPs a fresh start in life.


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